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Registry Administrators and Registry Maintainers can create a set of the lists and spatial data of the Geo-Object Types under the curation mandate of their organization.
Go to the Lists and Spatial Data module either by clicking the module icon in the main menu page or by clicking the hamburger menu () on the upper right corner and selecting Lists and Spatial Data.\
In the left sidebar, find the organization of which you are a member (this should be the first organization in the list). The Geo-Object Types that have been created are listed under each organization they belong to. Under your organization, click on the Geo-Object Type for which you are creating a new set.\
Click the Create New List and Spatial Data button.\
The Configuration window opens. First, select the type of list by clicking the corresponding radio button: a. Single date: This list type publishes lists that show the state of all Geo-Objects on a single given date. b. Frequency-based: This list type publishes lists at a fixed frequency (annual, biannual, quarterly, monthly) from a given start date. c. Period-based: This list publishes lists for each specified validity period where all the attribute, hierarchy and geometry values of all Geo-Objects for a given Geo-Object Type are the same.
Fill out all the required fields and any optional fields that are relevant in the form.\
Fill out the next section depending on the selected list type:
Single date: Type or select the date that all the Geo-Objects in the list are valid on.\
Frequency-based: Select the frequency and type or select the starting date when the list will be published.
Click on the New button to add a new validity period.
Type or select the start and end date of a validity period.
Fill out all the fields in the Metadata section for both the list and spatial data.
Spatial Data\
Click the Submit button.
Once created, you will see the created set on the page. Click on its title.\
You will see the imported list and spatial data for the Geo-Object Type. Click the Metadata button.\
Set the following parameters for both the list and spatial data:
Is Master: Check the box if list or spatial data is the master data.
Visibility: Choose either public (visible to users of all organizations) or private (visible only to users of your own organization)\
You have now created a set of list and spatial data including their metadata.
The unique human readable identifier. Code can be used to determine the uniqueness of a List and Spatial Data set if duplicate display labels exist in the system. A unique code is automatically generated by the system. However, you may replace this with another code.
The title for the set in the default locale.
Description (Abstract)
The description of the content of the set
Geo-Object Type
The Geo-Object Type covered by the set. This field is auto-filled.
Geo-Object Type Code
The code for the Geo-Object Type covered by the set. This field is auto-filled.
Include Latitude and Longitude
For point-type Geo-Object Type only: indication of whether you want the latitude and longitude to be displayed in the list.
The hierarchies the Geo-Object Type for which the set is being created belongs to, as well as the considered parents of the Geo-Object Type in those hierarchies. Selecting one or more of the participating hierarchies and parent Geo-Object Types will add the code and display labels from those hierarchies to your list.
The title for the list in the default locale.
Credits given to any individuals or groups for the list.
Description (Abstract)
A description of the contents of the list in the default locale.
A description of the process used to create and curate the data for this list, in the default locale.
A description of the progress so far to create and curate the data for the list (e.g., ongoing, compelted).
Access Constraints
A description of any access constraints for this list, in the default locale.
Use Constraints
A description of any use constraints for this list, in the default locale.
A description of any acknowledgements related to the data for this list, in the default locale.
The disclaimer for this list, in the default locale.
Contact Name
The name of the person to contact with any questions about this list.
Telephone Number
The telephone number of the person to contact with any questions about this list.
Email Address
The email address of the person to contact with any questions about this list.
The title for the spatial data in the default locale.
Credits given to any individuals or groups for the spatial data.
Description (Abstract)
A description of the contents of the spatial data in the default locale.
A description of the process used to create and curate the data for this spatial data, in the default locale.
A description of the progress so far to create and curate the spatial data (e.g., ongoing, compelted).
Access Constraints
A description of any access constraints for this spatial data, in the default locale.
Use Constraints
A description of any use constraints for this spatial data, in the default locale.
A description of any acknowledgements related to the data for this spatial data, in the default locale.
The disclaimer for this spatial data, in the default locale.
Topic Categories
Topics covered by the spatial data.
Place Keywords
Keywords to describe the places covered by the spatial data.
Update Frequency
How often the spatial data is updated.
The process history and/or overall quality of the spatial data.
The languages in which the spatial data is captured.
Scale or Resolution
The scale or resolution at which the spatial data was captured.
Spatial Representation Type
The spatial data model used.
Reference System
The coordinate reference system the spatial data is stored in.
Report and Specification
Link to the report and specification of the spatial data.
Distribution Format
File format in which the spatial data is distributed.
Contact Name
The name of the person to contact with any questions about this spatial data.
Telephone Number
The telephone number of the person to contact with any questions about this spatial data.
Email Address
The email address of the person to contact with any questions about this spatial data.