6.1.3. Content
The sandbox contains fake data that has been generated to facilitate testing sessions and demos that would cover a large number of use cases, including changes over time.
'Tolkien land' was initially created for a training that took place in the Philippines in 2019. It has since been expanded for GeoPrism Registry demonstration purposes. Geo-Object Types
The Tolkien dataset contains Geo-Object Types under the curation mandate of three different organizations:
Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA)
Provinces - Polygons
Counties - Polygons
Shires - Polygons
Villages - Points
Ministry of Health (MOH)
National Hospitals - Points
Referral Hospitals – Points
Health Centers – Points
Health Posts – Points
Catchment areas – Polygons
Community Health Workers - Points
Ministry of Education (MOE)
Universities - Points
Colleges - Points
Secondary Schools - Points
Primary Schools - Points Hierarchies
Organization-specific hierarchies based on the above Geo-Object Types and the geographic location (latitude/longitude) or the geographic extent (polygon) of each Geo-Object have also been configured for the Tolkien dataset.
The hierarchies created per organization are as follows:
Administrative structure hierarchy: hierarchy showing how the different administrative divisions are aggregated from the lowest level to the highest.
Community Health Workers (CHW) - Health Post hierarchy: hierarchy linking each CHW to the health post they report to
Health care referral hierarchy: hierarchy describing how patients are being referred from the village up to the national hospital level
Health geography hierarchy: hierarchy linking each health facility with the Shire in which it is located
MOH-MOHA Village hierarchy: hierarchy linking the MOHA village with the corresponding MOH village for the purpose of managing MOH-specific hierarchies and lists
Educational geography hierarchy: hierarchy linking each school with the administrative division in which it is located
Last updated