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The exported localized Excel file contains the following four worksheets:
Exceptions: Messages provided to the user in case the action performed by the user was invalid
Core Exceptions: Messages provided to the user when reaching an exception core to the platform functionalities
UI Text: Terms and sentences used in the user interface
Registry Metadata: Terms and sentences related to the Geo-Object Types and hierarchies that have been created in GeoPrism Registry
Important notes
GeoPrism Registry automatically creates the header of the column under which translations need to be added (e.g., pt_MZ). Do not change this header.
Do not reorder columns, tabs, or change keys, column headers or types in this file. The system needs this data to be able to read the spreadsheet.
Do not change the labels on the tabs.
Keep the special characters unchanged in the translation (e.g., [{0}], ${, ...).
The same term/sentence to be translated can appear several times in the Registry Metadata worksheet, as it may be used in different modules. It is recommended to sort that worksheet according to the defaultLocale column to facilitate the translation work.
To add a locale in the exported spreadsheet, for each tab:
In the column on the right of the defaultLocale, look for the header generated for the installed locale (e.g., pt_MZ).
In this column, add the translation of each term from the defaultLocale column in the corresponding cell. For example:\
As Geo-Object Types, hierarchies or other elements are being in GeoPrism Registry, the number of terms and sentences will increase in the Registry Metadata spreadsheet of the Excel file. It can also be that users notice the need to improve the translation of some of the terms or sentences. In this case, it is always possible for the System Administrator to re-export the localization spreadsheet, and make the necessary changes before re-importing it following the steps from .