6.2.2. DHIS2 credentials

GeoPrism Registry supports logging in with DHIS2 credentials using OAuth 2.0 for a specific DHIS2 instance.

To log in with this method, a user must first exist in both GeoPrism Registry and the DHIS2 instance with the same username, and the GeoPrism Registry user must have OAuth enabled. For more information about creating or configuring GeoPrism Registry users to use OAuth, see section 6.3.

This requires the DHIS2 instance to be registered as an external system in GeoPrism Registry.

  1. Ensure that the DHIS2 instance you want to use to connect is registered as an external system in GeoPrism Registry (see section 4).

  2. From the GeoPrism Registry login page, click the Log in with DHIS2 button.\

  3. If there is more than one DHIS2 external system registered, a dropdown will appear of all the registered DHIS2 instances. Select the instance you want to use to log in with, which will route you to the login screen of that instance. If there is only one system, you will be routed to the login screen of that instance without needing to select that instance from a dropdown.\

  4. Log in to the DHIS2 instance. Once logged in, you will be asked to authorize GeoPrism Registry ('georegistry'). Click Authorize to continue.\

  5. After clicking Authorize you will have access to the GeoPrism Registry instance you started with.

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