3.9.1. Configuring DHIS2
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DHIS2 must be configured to allow GeoPrism Registry to connect to it. This is accomplished using DHIS2’s 'OAuth2 Clients' configuration. This can be found in the DHIS2 'System Settings' app. Clicking the blue + button on the right allows us to create a new OAuth client.
To configure the OAuth client, fill in the following:
Name: georegistry
Client ID: georegistry
Client Secret: <already pre-filled>
Grant Types:
Password: unchecked
Refresh token: unchecked
Authorization code: checked
Redirect URIS (if your GeoPrism Registry instance is not using HTTPS, you should use HTTP here instead):
If your CGR server is of version 1.0, this URL looks like:
https://<GeoPrism Registry instance URL>/cgrsession/ologin
If your CGR server is of version 1.1, this URL looks like: https://<GeoPrism Registry instance URL>/api/cgrsession/ologin
If your CGR server is of version 1.2+, this URL looks like: https://<GeoPrism Registry instance URL>/api/session/ologin
Take note of the Client Secret which is generated here. We will need it when configuring GeoPrism Registry External Systems with OAuth.
Click save to create the new OAuth2 client in DHIS2.
See the section 4.2.1 on how to use the DHIS2 OAuth configuration in an external system registration.