5.3.1. Roles
The following roles are currently implemented in GeoPrism Registry:
System Administrator (SA): a user who is part of the GeoPrism Registry cross-sectoral governance structure, with the ability to configure the platform, manage organizations and Registry Administrators' user accounts, and view the public data across organizations.
Registry Administrator (RA): a user attached to a given organization, who has all the privileges of a Registry Maintainer plus the ability to define user roles, create Geo-Object Types and hierarchies, and consult all the data under the mandate of their organization.
Registry Maintainer (RM): a user attached to a given organization, who has all the privileges of a Registry Contributor plus the ability to edit the content for specific Geo-Object Types under the curation mandate of their organization.
Registry Contributor (RC): a user attached to a given organization, who has the ability to consult content for specific Geo-Object Types under the curation mandate of their organization, and submit change requests for these.
Additionally, GeoPrism can also be accessed through a REST API (see section 4) that uses the same roles for authentication.
There is no anonymous user available. Any GeoPrism Registry deployment is able to use the API to create an interface that provides access to all the public data stored on the platform.
Last updated