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GeoPrism Registry focuses on all the information that allows to contextualize any piece of information in both space and time. It therefore only handles data elements meant to:
Uniquely identify,
Locate, and
When applicable, contact
each geographic object it contains (the set of data elements referred to as the signature domain; see ). Such a list will be specific to each type of geographic object hosted in the platform.
Other types of data elements, including programmatic ones (e.g., statistics), are not meant to be managed in GeoPrism Registry but in program-, or even sector-, specific information systems. Some of the reasons behind this are the sensitivities often linked to programmatic data, the difference in data flow between this type of data and the geographic objects they are attached to, as well as the difference in the management of the time dimension (e.g., the temporal validity of a statistic might be different from the temporal validity of the geographic object it is attached to). In addition, managing these data elements in these other systems allows the programs to benefit from functionalities that are not available within a registry, including, but not limited to, data collection, statistical analysis, or visualization (graphs, thematic maps).
The identification of the data elements to be associated with each geographic object and stored in GeoPrism Registry should take place as part of a process involving all concerned stakeholders. The result is a data dictionary containing at least the following information for each of the selected data elements (an example for a health facility master list is presented in Annex 2 of ):
The data element code as implemented in GeoPrism Registry
A short description of the data element
The data element type
The size of the data element (number of storage units)
Whether the data element is considered as mandatory when adding a new record in the master list
Examples, notes, and, when applicable, the source (reference) of each data element can be added to the above information if it can help those in charge of managing GeoPrism Registry content and its users to have a clear understanding of each of these data elements. A classification table also needs to be defined for each of the data elements where the values are limited to a few options to ensure consistency across records, for example, type, ownership, etc. Such tables should at least contain the following for each option: a unique code, a label (English and local language) and/or acronym, a description (English and local language), and, when applicable, the source of the definition. The following table provides an example of a classification table for health facility types in Cambodia following this structure:
National Hospital
Health facility used to train health personnel and undertake research studies, in addition to providing specialized referral services.
Modified from Ministry of Health, Cambodia (1998): Guide for developing operational districts
Provincial Hospital
Health facility under the administration and technical supervision of the Provincial Health Department. In the Health Coverage Plan, Provincial Hospitals function as Operational District Referral Hospitals and will also provide the Complimentary Package of Activities (CPA).
Modified from Ministry of Health, Cambodia (1998): Guide for developing operational districts
Referral Hospital
Health facility providing the CPA.
Modified from Ministry of Health, Cambodia (1998): Guide for developing operational districts
Health Center with Beds
Health facility delivering primary healthcare through the Minimum Package of Activities (MPA) and having beds for patients.
Modified from Ministry of Health, Cambodia (1998): Guide for developing operational districts
Health Center
Health facility delivering primary healthcare through the MPA.
Modified from Ministry of Health, Cambodia (1998): Guide for developing operational districts
Health Post
Health posts are located in remote areas and function as the lowest level within the district health system, and are thus the first point of contact with the population in low density provinces.
Modified from Ministry of Health, Cambodia (1998): Guide for developing operational districts